Boy Scouts
of America
Adult BSA Camping Scout Troop LogIn
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Info. for Prospective Members
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Isaac Davis
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Looking for Fun...

If you are a boy age 11 thru 17, and enjoy...

Then Boy Scout Troop 1 Acton is for you!

In the spirit of "build an adventure", our objective is to provide boys ages 11 through 17 the opportunity to grow and develop competence and confidence. We use outdoor events as a venue for the boys to challenge and test themselves, leadership skills, and face physical and mental challenges. We follow the original Scouting tradition of being a boy-led Troop. Scouts plan the calendar, lead the outings, and lead monthly campouts. Older scouts teach skills to younger scouts, so that the philosophy of teaching and service are passed along with the specific skills being taught. Adult leaders provide the support structure They are there to ensure safety, and provide leadership guidance the boys need in order for them to learn outdoor and leadership skills — and be able to run the troop themselves.

See our Intro Presentation for more information.

This page was last modified: December 14, 2014